Boîte à outils

Notre équipe clinique vous présente des protocoles, des pratiques d’avant-garde et des outils de mesure et d’évaluation qui vous aideront dans votre pratique.

Lignes directrices relatives aux pratiques cliniques
BC Provincial Renal Agency: Conservative Care Pathway Care provided in the Kidney Care Clinics (KCC) can be thought of in 5 phases. Phases 1a and 1b are similar for all patients...
Canadian Guideline for Safe and Effective Use of Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain The Canadian Guideline is presented in two separate documents: Part A (Executive Summary and Background) and Part B (Recommendations...
Care of dying adults in the last days of life This guideline covers the clinical care of adults (18 years and over) who are dying during the last 2 to 3 days of life.
The Champlain Region Palliative Sedation Therapy Clinical Practice and Medication Guidelines (2018) The guidelines were developed to ensure safe, effective, and appropriate use of palliative sedation therapy and to enhance...
A Clinical Guide on Supportive and Palliative Care for People with HIV/AIDS This manual is organized to address the many aspects of palliative care that are key in caring for the person living with...
Defining consensus norms for palliative care of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe Defining consensus norms for palliative care of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe, using Delphi methods: A...
Dementia: NICE-SCIE guidelines for supporting people with dementia and their carers The guideline is divided into chapters, each covering a set of related topics. The first chapter is an executive summary...
Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment of Hepatitis C: An Update The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases has a number of practice guidelines found at: http: //www. aasld. org/practiceguidelines/Pages/NewUpdatedGuidelines. aspx...
End-of-Life Care During the Last Days and Hours This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for registered nurses and registered practical nurses on best nursing...
Heart Failure Symptom Management Guideline: Anorexia/Cachexia This clinical practice guideline has been developed to support health care providers who are assessing symptoms of anorexia...
Amélioration des conditions de vie des personnes aidantes francophones dans les communautés francophones et acadiennes du Canada De juillet 2007 à mars 2008, l’Alliance des femmes de la francophonie canadienne (AFFC) a mené une étude sur l’Amélioration...
Anorexia - B.C. Inter-professional Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines These best practice guidelines are a result of a collaboration of the following organizations:   The BC Centre for Palliative...
Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada L’Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada est le porte-parole et l’organisme représentant les infirmières et...
Association étudiant infirmier L'association a comme but de promouvoir les sciences infirmières, la qualité des soins infirmiers, la recherche en soins...
B.C. Inter-professional Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines These best practice guidelines are a result of a collaboration of the following organizations:   The BC Centre for Palliative...
Clinical Practice Guideline: Person-and Family-Centred Care This guideline provides best practice recommendations for direct care providers, staff and student educators. It also provides...
Coalition canadienne des aidantes et aidants naturels La Coalition canadienne des aidantes et aidants naturels constitue la voix d'expression nationale pour les besoins et les...
Constipation - B.C. Inter-professional Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines These best practice guidelines are a result of a collaboration of the following organizations:   The BC Centre for Palliative...
Cough - B.C. Inter-professional Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines These best practice guidelines are a result of a collaboration of the following organizations:   The BC Centre for Palliative...
Dehydration - B.C. Inter-professional Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines These best practice guidelines are a result of a collaboration of the following organizations:   The BC Centre for Palliative...
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