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Soins palliatifs
Cicely Saunders, Founder of the Hospice Movement: Selected Letters, 1959-1999 Cicely Saunders is universally acclaimed as a pioneer of modern hospice care. Trained in nursing, social work, then medicine...
Dying Well: Peace and Possibilities Dr. Byock, a palliative care physician, shares his personal experiences and philosophy of caring for the dying. Volunteers...
Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved Kate Bowler is a professor at Duke Divinity School with a modest Christian upbringing, but she specializes in the study of...
In the Shadow of Angels: Intimate Stories from a Hospice Counsellor Through a compilation of stories, the author aims to make the reality of death, accessible. She presents a primer for readers...
Stay, Breathe with Me: The Gift of Compassionate Medicine This book presents serious illness as a drama of body, mind, and soul. In this drama symptoms and suffering cannot be separated...
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