- Results found in: Courses & Conferences
... members, researchers, educators and administrators are encouraged to attend this international forum, recognizedasone of the world's preeminent gatherings of palliative care. For further information visit...
... illness or caregiving is invited to attend this annual one-day event open to the general public. For more information contact email provided.
Canadian Association for Spiritual Care, Manitoba Region
... will lead the weekend of learning about the practice of home funerals and vigils. This workshop is for those who are seeking to learn more about caring for our family and community members at the time...
October 22, 2009 Fee: $100. 00 before October 1, 2009 $125. 00 after October 1, 2009 Cheques payable to the Palliative Pain and Symptom Management Consultation Service Call for a brochure: 1-905-721-4703...
... include Catherine Murray, Joseph A Chandrakanthan, Steve Abdool, Hannah Kaufman, and Carol Ford. Delegates will include administrators, clinical leaders, educators and all those health team members including...
Dr David Kuhl is the guest speaker for the first annual lecture organizedto honor the foundational work of Dr Paul Henteleff and celebrate National Palliative Care Week.
... year's one-day annual palliative careconferenceis Vincent MacDonald, MSW, CT, Grief Counsellor. For more information or registration, contact Brenda Haslam at 1-506-452-5240 or Brenda. haslamlayden@rvh. nb. ca...
... What education would your community like to see: death café, presentation on grief, presentation for caregivers, etc.? Join us at 7: 00 pm on March 20 "LIVE" on Facebook and feel free to comment or ask...
... nurses, counsellors and other health care practitioners are invited to sumbit proposals for workshops, presentations and papers for the May 2009 integrative medicine conference, SpiritHeals: AN Exploration...