- Occurrences trouvées dans: Cours et conférences
... together a diverse group of individuals with an interest in palliative care. The overall objective for the conference is to formulate a consensus statement for the future direction of palliative care...
... its upcoming Dementia Care Conference on March 6 & 7, 2017 in Winnipeg at Canad Inns Polo Park for healthcare professionals caring for people impacted by dementia.
Centre for education and Research on Aging & Health (CERAH)
Palliative Care McGill is offering a full-day, accredited workshop for all health professionals (e. g. physicians, nurses, psychologists, pharmacists, residents and others) interested in enhancing their...
... oncology and hospice/palliative care practice. de Souza Interns will be well-prepared candidates for career opportunities in cancer and hospice palliative care upon their graduation, and will be ideally...
... will learn how to build their communication, assessment and symptom management skills, strategies for teaching patients in different hospice/palliative care settings and about the various roles of an...
... in compassionate end of life care. We aim to make dying a process that holds the potential for profound meaning and transformation for both the dying, and the communities supporting them. We have introduced...
The Institute for Professionalism & Ethical Practice, Boston Children’s Hospital
BIT Congress Inc. Information Research Center of International Talent, SAFEA. National Center for Women and Children's Health, China CDC. Shanxi Children's Hospital. Shanxi Province Maternity Hospital.
... meet the challenges associated with working with oncology and palliative care patients. For more info, visit website.